WATCH Live EVERY Monday 7-8pm MT, 9-10pm ET & 6-7pm PT WORLDWIDE @ http://streamingchurch.tv/stream9459 JOIN Us On YOUR Phone, Tablet, Laptop, PC or TELEVISION + Spread The Word!!!
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Welcome to Ekklesia Outreach!
JOIN US WORLDWIDE ON THE INTERNET FOR "Cross Culture NM"! You can join us on Face Book, My Space, WordPress, LiveJournal, Blogger, Snapchat, Delicious, Digg, Tumbler, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Google+ & Twitter. Watch 'Cross Culture' on YouTube (search Mark Tross and/or crossculturenm) 'LIKE' & 'SHARE' Our Facebook Page + 'JOIN' Our Yahoo Group @ http://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com TODAY!!!
This Website Is A Ministry Of Cross Culture NM. The Church Powerfully Reaching Out, Preaching Christ The Savior, Christ The Baptizer, Christ The Healer & Christ The Soon Coming King!
1 CO. 1:9
Welcome to your starting connection to some of the most popular Christian Wisdom on the Internet.
We are the Word and Gifts Place of Yesterday, Today and Forever. Bringing Preaching, Teaching and Healing to All Nations and Peoples.
Become One with us in our Mission to bring the Love of God and the Good News of Jesus around the World.
Become a part of something greater than yourself, join our Christian E-Fellowship Group Today at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/simplechurchfellowship
and be sure to invite everyone you know to be a part as well.
On this page you will find links to many other Christian Ministries and sources of Christian information and news from around the World.
You will also find links to more of our own pages with Bible passages, words from favorite hymns along with devotional messages and sermons from well known Christian Speakers.
We hope you will find that our content and links are valuable tools in your search for knowledge as you build your Christian Faith, and that you make our site a regular stop in your Internet travels.
Please bookmark our Homepage or add it to your web Favorites so you can come back and visit often.
Interested in starting your own Ekklesia Outreach? Jesus says that He Will Be There wherever two or more are gathered In His Name.
God Is Faithful and Jesus NEVER Fails!
MISSION: Our Desire (Hope, Dream and Vision) is to bring the "Love of God" and the "Good News" (the Gospel) of Jesus Christ (Messiah, the Anointed One) to the World. Our goal is to Unify the Body of Christ Jesus (the Church), Equip the Saints for Service in the Kingdom of God (which is Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost) and Fulfill the Great Commission (Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord).
Good News For Our Missions Around The World! Hello my co-laborers for the Kingdom!!!
Here is the good news...
Lots of pastors from around the World have been faithful in praying for us, in letting us know the victories and the needs of their ministries. The desire to unite and support these ministries has been on our hearts for a long time. God has opened a door.
God has blessed us with a very large membership and we believe it is for a good reason.
Many hands make the burden light and now we can lighten the burden of the persecuted and poor saints.
God's Richest Blessings and His Greatest Love Towards All Who Give Generously To The Furtherance Of His Kingdom!
Some of the Links are not Christian Sites and may not reflect the opinions of this ministry.
e-kk-le-sia: n. the Church; adv. powerfully; v. reaching out Vision: People without Vision perish.
Passion: Give me one pure and holy Passion
Power: For the Kingdom of God is not fancy talk; it is living by God's Power. 1 Cor. 4:20
Prayer: We will Pray and seek Your face.
THIS WEBSITE RECEIVES CHRISTIAN WEB EXCELLENCE AWARD Our Web Site was given this Christian Web Excellence Award for presenting outstanding Christian content on the World Wide Web and we recieved the 2003 - 2004 Golden Web Award in recognition of creativity, integrity and excellence on the WWW.
This Website Is A Ministry Of Cross Culture NM. The Church Powerfully Reaching Out, Preaching Christ The Savior, Christ The Baptizer, Christ The Healer & Christ The Soon Coming King!
1 CO. 1:9
Welcome to your starting connection to some of the most popular Christian Wisdom on the Internet.
We are the Word and Gifts Place of Yesterday, Today and Forever. Bringing Preaching, Teaching and Healing to All Nations and Peoples.
Become One with us in our Mission to bring the Love of God and the Good News of Jesus around the World.
Become a part of something greater than yourself, join our Christian E-Fellowship Group Today at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/simplechurchfellowship
and be sure to invite everyone you know to be a part as well.
On this page you will find links to many other Christian Ministries and sources of Christian information and news from around the World.
You will also find links to more of our own pages with Bible passages, words from favorite hymns along with devotional messages and sermons from well known Christian Speakers.
We hope you will find that our content and links are valuable tools in your search for knowledge as you build your Christian Faith, and that you make our site a regular stop in your Internet travels.
Please bookmark our Homepage or add it to your web Favorites so you can come back and visit often.
Interested in starting your own Ekklesia Outreach? Jesus says that He Will Be There wherever two or more are gathered In His Name.
God Is Faithful and Jesus NEVER Fails!
MISSION: Our Desire (Hope, Dream and Vision) is to bring the "Love of God" and the "Good News" (the Gospel) of Jesus Christ (Messiah, the Anointed One) to the World. Our goal is to Unify the Body of Christ Jesus (the Church), Equip the Saints for Service in the Kingdom of God (which is Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost) and Fulfill the Great Commission (Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord).
Good News For Our Missions Around The World! Hello my co-laborers for the Kingdom!!!
Here is the good news...
Lots of pastors from around the World have been faithful in praying for us, in letting us know the victories and the needs of their ministries. The desire to unite and support these ministries has been on our hearts for a long time. God has opened a door.
God has blessed us with a very large membership and we believe it is for a good reason.
Many hands make the burden light and now we can lighten the burden of the persecuted and poor saints.
God's Richest Blessings and His Greatest Love Towards All Who Give Generously To The Furtherance Of His Kingdom!
Some of the Links are not Christian Sites and may not reflect the opinions of this ministry.
e-kk-le-sia: n. the Church; adv. powerfully; v. reaching out Vision: People without Vision perish.
Passion: Give me one pure and holy Passion
Power: For the Kingdom of God is not fancy talk; it is living by God's Power. 1 Cor. 4:20
Prayer: We will Pray and seek Your face.
THIS WEBSITE RECEIVES CHRISTIAN WEB EXCELLENCE AWARD Our Web Site was given this Christian Web Excellence Award for presenting outstanding Christian content on the World Wide Web and we recieved the 2003 - 2004 Golden Web Award in recognition of creativity, integrity and excellence on the WWW.
WATCH Live EVERY Monday 7-8pm MT, 9-10pm ET & 6-7pm PT WORLDWIDE @ https://stream.streamingchurch.tv/stream.php?churchid=church9459 JOIN Us On YOUR Phone, Tablet, Laptop, PC or TELEVISION + Spread The Word!!!